
From April 17 to April 26, 2017 "Week of TsMK No. 2 "Of the general professional disciplines has been spent".

Purpose: Development of activity of students, professional competence.




Іс шара мерзімі / дата проведения

Уақыты / Время

Іс шара / Мероприятия

Өткізілетін орны / место проведения

Жауапты / Ответственные




Конкурс «Жас ғалымдар»

2 корпус

№21 кабинет

Бейсекбаев К.М.

Ахметова К. Д

Көкенай А




Конкурс «Информатика тақырлары»

2 корпус

№21 кабинет

Дутбаева Ж.К

Матышова А.Н.




Инсценировка «Новейший завет виртуальной нереальности»

2 корпус

№17 кабинет

Мамбетова Ж.Ш




«Вечер физики «Сказка ложь, да в ней намек…»

2- корпус №17 кабинет

Фазылова М.Ш.




Тренинг по психологии «Телесная терапия»

№21 кабинет

Жалмаганбетова Д.Б.

Оспанова Д.Ш.


The competition "Zhas alymdar" among students of groups 4 a lab, 244SD, 112LD. Конурс consisted of 3 rounds:

       1.  Question-answer

       2.  Situational tasks

       3.  Sketch (KVN players of college)

Won were awarded with diplomas.

 "Week of СМС 2 "Of the general professional disciplines".

 "Week of СМС 2 "Of the general professional disciplines".

 "Week of СМС 2 "Of the general professional disciplines".

Competition "Informatikal aқтапқырлар" among students of groups 112LD and 4 a lab. The competition consisted of 5 rounds:

  1. Submission of commands

  2. Bayga (questions)

  3. The completing computer devices (into 3 languages)

  4. To spread out in the order of a word

  5.  Crosswordpuzzle

 Competition "Informatikal aқтапқырлар" among students of groups 112LD and 4 a lab.

 Competition "Informatikal aқтапқырлар" among students of groups 112LD and 4 a lab.

The performance "The newest precept of virtual unreality" represented group 245 SD

«The performance

 The performance "The newest precept of virtual unreality" represented group 245 SD

Evening of physics "The fairy tale a lie and in her a hint". In the fairy tale also the kingdom of physics is told about the country of the nature. All forces submit to the queen to Physics, the tsar Graviton, with participation of groups 109 LD, 10 sty, 113 LD

  «Evening of physics

 Evening of physics "The fairy tale a lie and in her a hint".

 Evening of physics "The fairy tale a lie and in her a hint".

Training on psychology "Corporal therapy".

Purpose: Corporal and approximate and motive exercises, will give to children feeling of freedom, joy, emotional self-expression.

Training on psychology

 Training on psychology

Hits: 5432
