
Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

On April 11, 2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has taken place the scientific-theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines. In total there were 18 participants. From them in Kazakh 7 and in Russian of 11 speakers. In the works students have stated results of researches in the field of social and humanitarian and natural sciences. By results of a conference the best works have been noted.

1 place - "Values of modern youth" of Hlyupin Christina 109 LD, the head Nysambayeva Nyaylya Mukhamedovna is a teacher of sociology, the highest categories.

2 place - "Statement of colloquial skill on PATTERN technology" of AmankulovAsem 7 Stomatology, the head Zharylgasova Sagynay Omirkulovna are a teacher of English, the first categories.

3 place - "Oil" Abdrazakova Raushan, 245 SD, the head Akhmetova Samal Saulenbekovna are a teacher of chemistry, the first category


 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

1 place - Hlyupina Christina of "The value of modern youth" of hands.Nysambayeva N.M.

 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

 1 place - Hlyupina Christina of "The value of modern youth" of hands.Nysambayeva N.M.

2 place of Amankulov A. "Statement of colloquial skill on Pattern technology"

Hands. Zharylgasova S.O.

 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

3 place of Abdrazakov R. "Oil" of hands. Akhmetova S. 

 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

 Theoretical conference of students on general education and general professional disciplines.

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