
On October 20, 2016 in the building of city branch

On October 20, 2016 in the building of city branch "NurOtan" the meeting with professor, the cardiologist M. Akhmetov has taken place.

Akhmetov Mukhambediya Ahmet - the Torah - professor of department of preventive medicine and food, the head of development department of the State language and language policy of JSC Medical University Astana, the member State terminological the commissions at the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participants of a meeting were G. Eshtanayev - the director of the educational and methodical center "T_ltanu", G. Kazhenova is the first deputy of the Zhezkazgan branch of NurOtan party.

The principal L. Ranova has presented to students of the guest and has noted that MukhamediyaAkhmetov in 1970 has with honors graduated from our medical school. Professor has brought to college as a gift more 300th name of books. These are manuals and terminological dictionaries. I was the purpose of a meeting – assistance to increase in prestige of a state language.

On October 20, 2016 in the building of city branch "NurOtan" the meeting with professor, the cardiologist M. Akhmetov has taken place.

On October 20, 2016 in the building of city branch "NurOtan" the meeting with professor, the cardiologist M. Akhmetov has taken place.

On October 20, 2016 in the building of city branch "NurOtan" the meeting with professor, the cardiologist M. Akhmetov has taken place.

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