
On September 30, 2016 in KGKP

On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

  On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

Following the results of 2015-2016 academic years the best teachers of college of the following nominations have been chosen:

  • «Үздік оқытушы-2016 - the Best teacher of year" – Dutbayeva Zhanar Kulmukhanbetovna
  • «Үздікғылымижетекші - 2016 - the Best research supervisor of year" - Oraz Kayyrlen Doskaliyevich..
  • «Үздік топ жетекші – 2016 - the Best curator of year" – Bolegen Rakhiya Bolegenovna
  • «Үздік топ жетекші – 2016 - the Best curator of year" – Akhmetova Samal Saulenbekovna
  • «Үздік a top – the 2016-Best group" - the 9th stomatology – the curator Zhalmaganbetova Dana Bagdadovna
    • «Жастардың үздік тәлімгері 2016 - the Best mentor of youth of 2016 – Rakhmetova Zhanna Oralkhanovna
    • Үздікұйымдастырушы – 2016 – the Best organizer – Balabayeva Aynur Ibragimovna
    •  «Үздік түлек тобы – 2016 - the Best final group 223SD – the curator Gusmanova Aynur Sergaziyevna
    • «Бастауыш мектебінің үздік оқытушысы 2016, Лучший выпускник школы начинающего преподавателя – 2016» - Ибраева Гулден Базылбековна.
    • «Үздік an office меңгерушісі, the Best manager of an office – 2016" - an office of Nurse business and an office of pediatrics – the manager. officesMotorykina Olga Vladimirovna, Schlegel Lyudmila Aleksandrovna.

  On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

On the stage also celebrated the teachers who have prepared students of a final stage 12 of the international Olympic Games "URFODU" on fundamentals of sciences and also the students who have taken prizes:

  1. Мұханбетрақым Әсем – the student 234SD of group
  2. Әбжалел Райхан – the student 108LD of group bzhalet
  3. Әділбекова Гакку –  the student 239SD of group
  4. Тұрғын Даурен –is the student 108LD of group
  5. Sarina Mausymzhan is the student 5stom groups
  6. Зейнелғабденова Фариза – is the student 235SD of group
  7. Imanbek Diana is the student 234sd groups

The festive action has been prepared by forces of activists of college and responsible teachers.

  On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

  On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

  On September 30, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" in the conference hall of Nurotan party there has taken place the festive action devoted to the Teachers' Day.

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