
Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses.

Traditionally, in medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan, at the beginning of academic year the meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses is held. Within OPM "College" the inspector on affairs of minors of Ministry of Railways of the Department of Internal Affairs Zhezkazgan, the senior lieutenant A.N. Akilbekova on September 15,16 the current year preventive conversations with students of 1,2,3,4 courses about often found offenses among younger generation and about their prevention have taken place.

Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

 Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

 Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

Meeting with inspectors of ODN for a preventive conversation with students on administrative and criminal offenses

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