
Knowledge Day.

Knowledge Day.

On September 1st in Medical collegeZhezkazgan within implementation of the program of the RK priyezident of Nazarbayev N.A. "Bolashaққ and бағдарRowhaniжаңғ to a yr" has undergone the solemn collecting devoted to Knowledge Day.

At collecting there were teachers and parents of first-year students. The Anthem of RK was heard. With the congratulatory words of a vystpupila of the Deputy director on UR Moldin M.A., also teachers are veterans L.A. Alimbetova, G.K. Kushekova.

Their curators have been presented to new groups.

The first lessons of subjects have been conducted: "I am a patriot of the Homeland", "Prospection". Thematic videos have been watched. Collecting has taken place at the high level.

                                            Knowledge Day. Knowledge Day.             

                                                                      Knowledge Day.                                                                






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