
Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of СМС of general education disciplines.

Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of TsMK of general education disciplines. Teachers and students have held events with a big intuziazm.

15.11. The opening day of decade. Students of 1 2 courses have gathered in the hall of college. They were congratulated by the teacher of Kazakh and literature K.B. Dostanbekova and of the Kazakh custom has distributed "shasha". Students have read verses on language, mathematics, chemistry and physics. 

Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of СМС of general education disciplines.

Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of СМС of general education disciplines.

Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of СМС of general education disciplines.

Since 15-27.11.2017 in medical college Zhezkazgan there has passed decade of СМС of general education disciplines.

15.11. The teacherjavascript:; of Kazakh and literature G.T. Kenishbayeva has held an intellectual game: "Oh exchanges ойын". The lesson has been sated with different competitions. There have especially interestingly taken place competitions: "Riddles in drawings", "Interesting compliances", "Travel to a film world".

             15.11. The teacherjavascript:; of Kazakh and literature G.T. Kenishbayeva has held an intellectual game: "Oh exchanges ойын".  15.11. The teacherjavascript:; of Kazakh and literature G.T. Kenishbayeva has held an intellectual game: "Oh exchanges ойын".

             15.11. The teacherjavascript:; of Kazakh and literature G.T. Kenishbayeva has held an intellectual game: "Oh exchanges ойын".  15.11. The teacherjavascript:; of Kazakh and literature G.T. Kenishbayeva has held an intellectual game: "Oh exchanges ойын".


16.11. K.B. Dostanbekova has conducted a lesson with literaturno musical program "T_l-B_zd _  Baylyymyz". The anthem of RK was heard. The action has been opened by national dance. Students read verses, sang songs. 115 LD group statement of sketches about human relations and mercy was pupils 114.

                       16:11. K.B. Dostanbekova has conducted a lesson with literaturno musical program "T_l-B_zd _  Baylyymyz".   16:11. K.B. Dostanbekova has conducted a lesson with literaturno musical program "T_l-B_zd _  Baylyymyz".

                      16:11. K.B. Dostanbekova has conducted a lesson with literaturno musical program "T_l-B_zd _  Baylyymyz".   16:11. K.B. Dostanbekova has conducted a lesson with literaturno musical program "T_l-B_zd _  Baylyymyz".

20.11. The teacher of Russian and literature S.B. Dautova has spent literary hour "People language shower". Verses on language in the Russian, English and Kazakh languages have sounded. Pupils have obtained a lot of interesting information on language.

                       20.11. The teacher of Russian and literature S.B. Dautova has spent literary hour "People language shower".  20.11. The teacher of Russian and literature S.B. Dautova has spent literary hour "People language shower".

                       20.11. The teacher of Russian and literature S.B. Dautova has spent literary hour "People language shower".  20.11. The teacher of Russian and literature S.B. Dautova has spent literary hour "People language shower".

20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova. Students have presented the presentations on subjects: "Fast food", "Causes of cancer", "Chemistry everywhere", "Radiation", "ororda ң ziyana", "Tezдайындалатын to a kespa", "Құ la ққап", "Ter_ kt_m і", "Gazda of a susyndarda ң ziyana". The presented presentations were relevant and interesting.

                        20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.   20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.

                        20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.   20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.

                        20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.   20.11. Traditional competition in chemistry the best presentation "Chemistry everywhere" Teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova.

21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".

21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".

                        21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".  21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".

                        21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".  21.11. Teachers A.Zh. Almenova and S.O. Zharlygasova have conducted an open binary lesson of the Russian and English languages on a subject: "On reception at the obstetrician – the gynecologist" "At the Gynecologist".

22.11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD. The competition was estimated by four types: 1. Acquaintance, 2. Who quicker?, 3. Experts, 4. Practice.

The Pascal team which has won first place could show speed and sharpness. On one point the Energy team ostat.

22:11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD

22:11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD

  22:11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD

22:11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD                                                          22:11. In an interesting, fascinating form there has passed the lesson - a competition in physics, prepared by the teacher G.B. Ibrayeva. Three teams participated: "Energy" 246 SD, Kerneu 117 LD and "Pascal" 114 LD

23.11. "Ғажайып the chemistry" has shown an informative fascinating action the teacher of chemistry A.Kokenay. The lesson could awaken the interest of pupils in chemistry.

23.11. "Ғажайып the chemistry" has shown an informative fascinating action the teacher of chemistry A.Kokenay. The lesson could awaken the interest of pupils in chemistry.

23.11. "Ғажайып the chemistry" has shown an informative fascinating action the teacher of chemistry A.Kokenay. The lesson could awaken the interest of pupils in chemistry.

24.11. Прошел круглый стол, организованный Г.Т.Кенишбаевой на тему «Латиница- требование времени».

Учителя и студенты, участвовавшие в круглом столе, поделились своими взглядами на латинский алфавит –это возможность выйти в мировое сообщество и важность латинского языка в их профессии.Мероприятие было показано по местному каналу «Дидар», также напечаталось в газете «Сарыарка».

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участниковмероприятииграмотами.

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участников мероприяти и грамотами..

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участников мероприяти и грамотами..

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участников мероприяти и грамотами..

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участников мероприяти и грамотами..

27.11.Закрытие декады. Заместитель директора по учебной работе М.А. Молдина наградила участников мероприяти и грамотами..


The second part of closing of week has ended with the concert program of teachers of СМС OOD and participants of literary circle Key_pker under the leadership of the teacher of Kazakh and A.A. Oraz's literature. G.T. Kenishbayeva's teachers, by S.S. Akhmetova have sung national songs, S.O. Zharlygasova and A.A. Oraz have shown the abilities in an aytysa. Decade was remembered by novelty of the ideas.

The second part of closing of week has ended with the concert program of teachers of СМС OOD and participants of literary circle Key_pker under the leadership of the teacher of Kazakh and A.A. Oraz's literature. G.T. Kenishbayeva's teachers, by S.S. Akhmetova have sung national songs, S.O. Zharlygasova and A.A. Oraz have shown the abilities in an aytysa.

The second part of closing of week has ended with the concert program of teachers of СМС OOD and participants of literary circle Key_pker under the leadership of the teacher of Kazakh and A.A. Oraz's literature. G.T. Kenishbayeva's teachers, by S.S. Akhmetova have sung national songs, S.O. Zharlygasova and A.A. Oraz have shown the abilities in an aytysa.

The second part of closing of week has ended with the concert program of teachers of СМС OOD and participants of literary circle Key_pker under the leadership of the teacher of Kazakh and A.A. Oraz's literature. G.T. Kenishbayeva's teachers, by S.S. Akhmetova have sung national songs, S.O. Zharlygasova and A.A. Oraz have shown the abilities in an aytysa.


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