
Round table on «2019-the year of youth»

October 11, 2019 in the 3rd building of the Higher medical College of Zhezkazgan held a round table on "2019-the year of youth", the purpose of which was to reveal the goals and objectives announced by the first President of the year of youth " to discuss the problems facing the youth of Kazakhstan. The round table was attended by The head of the personnel Department of the youth resource center. G. Zhezkazgan Tusupov Iztileu Bekenovich and the head of the youth wing of the party "Nur Otan" Bagchay Abay arystanbekovich .

In the round table. Organized by the history teacher of the College oraz Kayyrlen Doskalievich, students of the group 250 "Nursing" and 122 "Medical" took an active part . During the round table, students discussed topical issues of youth policy of the modern state, education, health care, youth education.

At the end of the round table, guests of honor TusupovIztileuBekenovich and the head of the youth wing "ZhasOtan" of the NurOtan party BagchayAbayarystanbekovich spoke, who told the students about the importance Of the year of youth, urged young people to be active, wished success and fruitful work.

Round table on

 Round table on

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