
Methodical office.


 Almenova Almagul Zhakanovna

 College Methodist

 Education: higher, ZhPI, teacher of Russian language and literature
 Work experience:  22 years
 Category: higher







Problems of a methodical office

1. Rendering the scientific and methodical and organizational and methodical help to teachers in implementation of professional activity of realization of GOSO and social and pedagogical programs of development of the identity of students

2. Increase in professional and cultural level of teachers, stimulation of their office and public activity

3. Improvement of pedagogical and methodical skill on the basis of the ideas of creatively working teachers

4. Studying and use in practice of pedagogical activity of teachers of college of modern pedagogical technologies: the productive, differentiated, developing training, realization of competence-based approach

5. Increase in professional qualification of teachers, class teachers

6. Formation of skills of the analysis of educational process in general and introspection of the teaching and educational activity in particular

7. Identification, generalization, introduction of the best pedagogical practices

8. Assistance in development and edition of manuals, methodical materials of teachers of college 

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