
Бөлім меңгерушісі- Коканова Тулиу Абуталиповна

Specialty 090120100 "General Medicine"

Qualification 4S09120101 "Paramedic"

Head of department

Kokanova Tuliu Abutalipovna

Work experience 33 years

The Regional Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan trains mid-level specialists at the department of "General Medicine" with the qualification of "Paramedic" to provide pre-medical, preventive, rehabilitation care to the population in the healthcare system of the Republic.

Duration of study: 2 years 10 months on the basis of general secondary education. 3 years 10 months on the basis of basic education.

The educational curriculum in the specialty 090120100 "Medicine", corresponding to the main types of professional activity for the qualification 4S09120101 "Paramedic", provides for the mastery of students with the following competencies:

Basic competencies: possession of skills for long-term planning of training, professional growth, collection and analysis of information, application of information in practice, use of information computer technologies in work and self-development, active participation in public life, demonstrating commitment to professional ethical principles, maintaining the aesthetics of the working environment, demonstrating communicative skills with different people taking into account the situation, demonstrating responsibility in different work teams.

Professional competencies: activities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for individuals, families and population groups, effective monitoring of patients and people from different risk groups, mastering the skills of advising the patient and his family on the preservation and promotion of health, the use of methods of protection from the effects of harmful factors for the safety of people and the environment, the use of innovative technologies to increase the level of safety and improve the quality of services provided, the implementation of procedures in accordance with standards to ensure the safety and quality of medical services.

Clinical competencies: implementation of diagnostics, treatment and care of patients using a person-oriented approach with the participation of his family and environment, possession of a choice of principles of treatment and emergency care for various categories of patients, evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic measures, practical application of modern methods of intensive care and resuscitation in case of diseases and critical situations, effective rehabilitation, the use of evidence-based medicine in professional activities.

After graduating from college and receiving a specialist certificate, graduates can begin independent practical activities in various medical organizations. In the advanced training department, graduates and mid-level practical healthcare professionals can receive additional education.

Qualification: 4S09120101 "Paramedic"

The objects of professional activity of a graduate of the qualification "Paramedic" are the adult and children's population of various age groups.

Types of professional activity of a graduate of the qualification "Paramedic":

- participation in medical and diagnostic, primary health care for patients in a hospital, outpatient clinics, clinics, feldsher-obstetric stations, emergency stations;

- assessment of the patient's condition and provision of emergency pre-medical care in case of acute illnesses and accidents;

- medical assistance to the population in extreme conditions, epidemics, in the centers of mass destruction;

- participation in the rehabilitation of the patient, palliative care, cooperation with patients and their families, carrying out activities to maintain and preserve the health of the population of various age groups;

- advising the population on health risks and educating the population on maintaining health in different age periods;

- disease prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population;

Information for the descendants of Aesculapius

The medical school of the city of Zhezkazgan was organized on May 20, 1961 with the support of the famous geologist, the first president of the Academy of Sciences K.I. Satbaev. In September 1961, the first group of nurses and two groups of paramedics were recruited. In June 1963, the first graduation of general nurses took place, and a year later, in 1964, the first graduation of two paramedical groups took place. From 1971-1981, the school trained in 4 types of specialties; paramedic, midwifery, general nurse, pediatric nurse. Since 1990, groups studying in the state language have been accepted at the school. In 1995, a department of advanced training for secondary medical workers was opened on the basis of the school, which is still actively working today. In 1996, by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 282 dated June 14, the medical school was transformed into a medical college. Currently, the college trains middle-level specialists in the specialty: "Medical care", "Nursing", "Dentistry", "Laboratory diagnostics". The college has cycles of special disciplines, general professional disciplines, general humanitarian disciplines, socio-economic disciplines. The classrooms of information technology, English, and the library are equipped with modern technical equipment. To practice the practical skills of future specialists and to master the subtleties of medicine, the college has two simulation centers equipped with special dummies, simulators, electronic dolls, electronic mannequins that work according to a specially set program to determine the symptoms of diseases and a dental center. For professional lessons, there is a surgical unit, a nursing unit, offices of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, therapy, anatomy and physiology, pathology, pharmacology, hygiene, infectious diseases, microbiology, denture manufacturing techniques, chemistry, laboratory diagnostics. College students are engaged in research work in the circles of therapy, surgery, midwifery, pediatrics, nursing, pharmacology, anatomy, biophysics, microbiology, participating in international, republican, regional, city scientific and practical conferences take prizes. The college has all the conditions for professional training and preparation of a comprehensively developed competent medical specialist.

According to the tripartite agreement , the following medical organizations are assigned clinical bases for the clinical practice of students:

  1. MSE "Regional multidisciplinary hospital of the city of Zhezkazgan";
  2. MSE « Regional ambulance station »
  3. LLP «Zhezkazgan Medical Center»;
  4. MSE «Polyclinic of the city of Zhezkazgan»
  5. MSE «Polyclinic of the city of Satpaev»
  6. MSE «Hospital of the city of Satpaev»
  7. LLP «Жүрек»
  8. LLP Dentistry «Асия»
  9. MC «Қаратал»
  10. LLP «Тильман»
  11. LLP «Абильдинова»
  12. MSE «Ахметова»
  13. MSE «Ликерова»
  14. LLP «Жезденсаулық»
  15. LLP «Кошумбаева»

The mission of the college is to train professionally competent, patient–oriented mid- and post-mid-level specialists

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