
Department of advanced training

The Department of advanced training of GKP on PHV "the Higher medical College of Zhezkazgan" carries out additional postgraduate medical education and continuous professional development, retraining of average medical and pharmaceutical workers.

Educational services include: refresher courses and retraining with the issuance of a certificate of the established sample.

Professional development (PC) - a form of additional education that allows you to maintain, expand, deepen and improve previously acquired professional knowledge and skills. Duration of training 54 hours and 108 hours;

Retraining (PP) - a form of additional education that allows you to learn, respectively, another profession or specialty. Duration of training: 216 hours.

Training is conducted in the following specialties: "Nursing", "Medical care", "Laboratory diagnostics", "Dentistry" including the training of non-medical workers (paramedics) by highly qualified specialists in the state and Russian languages, depending on the needs of the contingent of students. Training is carried out at the request of the medical organizations of the city.

The Department includes classrooms and training rooms equipped with simulation equipment and simulators for practicing practical skills.

General characteristics of the department of advanced training

Department of advanced training is a structural unit of the College, providing additional postgraduate medical education and training of secondary medical and pharmaceutical workers.


  • Ensuring continuous professional development of mid-level healthcare professionals (training and retraining) that meets the socio-economic needs of practical healthcare.
  • Continuous improvement of the level of organization and efficiency of educational and pedagogical, educational and methodical processes for training specialists of practical health care of the middle level.
  • Introduction of innovative technologies, progressive methods of organization of the educational process to improve the level of professional competence.


  • Organization of a multi-level system of additional postgraduate continuous medical education and continuous training of mid-level medical workers and acquisition of new qualifications in accordance with the socio-economic requirements of practical health care and personal needs of students and planning training courses in all areas and specialties;
  • Improving the efficiency of the educational process;
  • Study of students ' opinions on the content and quality of education.

Legal acts regulating the work of the Department:

The order of implementation of services is regulated by the following main regulatory legal acts:

  • Order amending the acting Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan from November 11, 2009 No. 691 "On approval of Rules of training and retraining of medical and pharmaceutical personnel" Order of the MHSD of the RK dated may 29,2015 No. 433;
  • Order No. 788 of the acting Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 26, 2009 on approval of the State standard of additional education in medical and pharmaceutical specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Standard training programs developed in accordance with the GDDS approved by the order of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 734 dated October 26,2011;
  • Order of MZRK No. 51 of 26.01.12 on amendments to the GDR, approved by the order of the acting Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 778 of 26.11.09;
  • Order No. 71 "on amendments and additions to order No. 788" dated 11.02.2013;
  • Order of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 24, 2009 №774 "on approval of the Nomenclature of medical and pharmaceutical specialties" (as amended from 06.05.13);
  • Order of the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan dated August 28, 2015 №693 on approval Of the rules of certification of health professionals;
  • Instruction letter No. 9 on the development of educational and methodical documentation (Republican center of innovative technologies of medical education and science of MZRK).

Educational process organization 

In the Department of advanced training training is conducted in accordance with the state standards of additional medical and pharmaceutical education in the following areas:

  • Refresher courses - the duration of training is 216 hours. After graduation, students are issued certificates.
  • Refresher courses are designed from 54 to 108 hours. After graduation, students are issued certificates.

The Department of advanced training provides postgraduate training of secondary medical and pharmaceutical workers in the main specialties of the College:

  • Nursing;
  • Curative affair;
  • Laboratory diagnostics;
  • Stomatology.

List of required documents:

  1. A copy of the identity card;
  2. Copy of diploma;
  3. Bypass sheet;
  4. If necessary, a copy of the marriage certificate;
  5. A copy of the certificate of specialist;
  6. Receipt of tuition.

The Department of advanced training uses innovative pedagogical technologies:

  1. Simulation technologies;
  2. Interactive teaching method;
  3. Collective form of education;
  4. Learning using business games;
  5. Method of interpretation using ICT;
  6. The method of "standardized patient" c.


Material and technical resources

The Department includes classrooms and training rooms equipped with simulation equipment and simulators for practicing practical skills.

Material and technical resourcesMaterial and technical resourcesMaterial and technical resources

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Material and technical resources

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