
Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management "Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan" of the health department of the Ulytau region.

KGP on the PCV "Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan" UZOU was opened in 1961 as a medical school with the assistance of academician K.I.Satpayev.

In 1996 Zhezkazgan Medical School received the status of a college.

On the basis of the Resolution of the Akimat of the region of Ulytau No. 10/02 dated 02.09 2022, the KGP at the Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan of the Department of Health of the Karaganda region was renamed and functions as a Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management "Regional Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan" of the Department of Health of the region of Ulytau.

The Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan is located at the address:

100600, Ulytau region, Zhezkazgan city, Seifullina Street 12, tel/fax 8(7102) 77-81-66

E-mail: zhezmedkol@mail.ru

College Website: https://medkolledge-jezkazgan.kz/

The structure of the college has 6 departments for personnel training and 1 department for retraining and advanced training of secondary medical workers, 3 simulation halls, a conference hall "Rukhani zhangyru", a methodical office, an educational part, a library, a sports hall, a medical center, a museum, 48 classrooms, 4 laboratories, a CMC of general education disciplines, CMC of socio-economic disciplines, CMC of general professional disciplines, CMC of special disciplines. The design capacity of the college is 600 people.

The college has its own clinical base for the specialty "Dentistry" – a dental department equipped with the most modern equipment, where college teachers receive patients and students have access to real patients.

On the basis of the KGP "Multidisciplinary Hospital of Zhezkazgan" there are 6 classrooms, a simulation room (training operating room).

The mission of the college is to train professionally competent, patient-oriented medical workers of the middle and post-middle level.

Strategic objective: meeting the needs of all stakeholders.

The college has a license for educational activities under No. KZ77AA00033250 dated January 23, 2023 issued by the Department for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education of the Ulytau region and carries out activities in the following specialties:





Duration of training





on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months


Laboratory diagnostics


Medical laboratory assistant

on the basis of basic secondary education - 3 years

10 months on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months


Medical business



on the basis of basic secondary education - 3 years

10 months on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months




General Practice Nurse

on the basis of basic secondary education - 3 years

10 months on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months




Applied Bachelor of Nursing

Based on the Type - 1 year 6 months





on the basis of basic secondary education - 3 years

10 months on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months

During the existence of the college, 15221 secondary medical workers have been trained, about 12,000 students have improved their qualifications.

The language of instruction is Kazakh, Russian. The training is conducted on a full-time basis on the basis of basic general and secondary general education.

Since 1996, the college has been operating a department of advanced training and retraining of secondary medical workers.

The Regional Medical College of Zhezkazgan has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the standard of ST RK ISO 9001-2016, certificate KZ.7100759.07.03.01195 dated 29.06.2018, issued by OPS SM LLP "Republican Certification Center".

The last state certification was carried out in 2022.

The College has two academic buildings (adapted) with a total area of 3839.9 sq.m. There are classrooms in the Polyclinic – 2, the Zhezkazgan MB – 13, the Zhezkazgan Medical Center LLP – 2. All classrooms and laboratories provided for by the state mandatory standards of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan are available. 31 classrooms are located in the buildings, in addition, 18 classrooms in medical organizations. Staffing in accordance with the equipment report cards in the college as a whole is 88%. Bilateral agreements have been concluded with 15 medical organizations of Zhezkazgan and Satpayev. The College carries out its activities on the basis of short-term (annual) and long-term (strategic) planning.

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