
In honor of the week of socio-economic and natural sciences, an open history lesson was held

On 12.12.2023, on the second day of the CMC week, history teacher Medeubayeva Ainur Kultasovna held an open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan. Lesson topic: "Traditional musical and spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people".


The college hosted the opening of the Week "Azattyktyn ak tany" and an educational hour for Independence Day.

On 11.12.2023, the opening of the "Азаттықтың ақ таңы" Week and an open educational hour dedicated to Independence Day on December 16 took place. Responsible: teacher of social disciplines: Abildaeva Aina Kenbaevna.


Physical culture competitions were held in honor of the week of general humanitarian disciplines.

On 11/22/2023, in honor of the Week of General Humanitarian Disciplines, togyzqumalaq Cup competitions were held among students!

Purpose: to teach the basic rules of the National Game with a presentation of its history. 

Purpose: a quick enumeration of logical reasoning, mathematical operations with an explanation of the basic conditions of togyzkumalak, full development of thinking and adaptation to computer literacy, punctuality.

As a result:

1st place: Olzhabai Margulan 138 MB

2nd place: Alshymbek Asylkhan 16 Stom

3rd place: Shohan Zere 144 MB

3rd place: Saparbai Ibrahim 20 Stom

Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners!!


In honor of the week of general humanitarian disciplines, an English language competition was held

11/21/23 English language contest "Who is better" was held among groups 262, 263, 143, 144 

The purpose of the competition is to increase the motivation of students to learn a foreign language; 

promote the mastery of speech actions; 

stimulating their common intellectual and linguistic activities; broadening their common horizons and raising their cultural level;

The competition consisted of 5 stages:

I. Presentation

II. Homework: Sing a song

III. Abbreviated words

IV. Search for translations of proverbs and sayings

V. Making sentences from letters and numbers. 

The competition was interesting and informative. The following groups won by the decision of the jury:

1st place 262 Nursing

2nd place 143 Medical business

3rd place 144 Medical business.

For their activity, the 263 MI group was awarded a Letter of Thanks. 

Responsible teachers of English: Zharylgasova S. O., Kozhirbaev D. K.


As part of the Week of General Humanitarian Disciplines, an educational hour in the Kazakh language was held.

On 20.11.23, within the framework of the Week of General Humanitarian Disciplines, the group "22 dentistry" held an educational hour in the Kazakh language.

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce children to wonderful personalities who have known the world, to learn their special advantages.  And about the Kazakhs who recognized the world as their compatriots, to acquaint children with explanations. Students actively participated in the classes.


"Week of special disciplines" was held in our college 

The Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan hosted a "week of special disciplines" from 06.04 to 13.04. During the week, the contest "Best Nurse" was held under the guidance of a nursing teacher Kalmanbayeva Aigul Kurmetovna. The competition was held between the teams of 256 "nursing", that is, "Hippocrates" and "health". The competition consisted of 4 stages, presentation, manipulative activities, questions and answers,situational problems and homework. As a result of the competition, the team "Hippocrates", which was distinguished by its qualifications, won. Students who took an active part in the event were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

A desmurgy competition was held in the college 

On April 11, a desmurgy competition was held among groups of 56/57 obstetrics in the discipline of surgery. Group 57 Obstetrics won. The winner of the audience award nomination was a student of the 57 obstetrics group Karakat Utepova.

An open lesson on surgical diseases was held at the college 

07.02.2023 in 135 MB group an open lesson on the subject of surgical diseases on the topic “appendicitis" was held.

An open event on nursing was held at the college 

On 12.04.2023, a nursing teacher held an open event between 132 MB and 255 nursing group on the topic “Медицинские манипуляции".

Section: college - methodical piggy bank

An open lesson on nursing was held at the college. On 10.04.2023, an open lesson on “Наблюдение и уход за гериатрическими пациентами с заболеваниями органов дыхания” was conducted by a nursing teacher in the 253rd Nursing group. The purpose of the lesson: To analyze the features of the course of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer, Copd in geriatric patients.


In college, " Кім көп біледі?"an open discussion lesson was held.

24.11.2022 Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Dostanbekova Kamazhay Bektasovna "Кім көп біледі?" held an open discussion lesson. In the discussion lesson, two teams competed. Many questions on the grammar of the Kazakh language were prepared here.

In addition, the history of the life of Alash figures and their works were evaluated through questions and answers.

The purpose of the lesson: to determine the knowledge base of students according to the curriculum, to develop thinking, to form speech styles, literary and artistic speech,to prove their opinions. Enrich knowledge resources through opinion contests, form students to think quickly, to be able to make decisions and express themselves.

In the competition, questions were asked, grades were set for the continuation of Proverbs and sayings, expressive reading.

The College hosted a historical evening dedicated to the 355th anniversary of the birth of Kazuy Kazybek bi.

The second day of the week of general education disciplines of the 2022 academic year was marked by a historic evening dedicated to the 355th anniversary of the birth of Kazybek bi. Purpose of the event:

 - Replenishment of knowledge about the life and wisdom of Kazybek bi statesmen. Listing the names of Bii, glorify how the famous Bii of the Kazakh people tirelessly served the future of generations;

- In-depth understanding and meaning of the Bi Kazybek bi and Tole bi.

- To foster love for the motherland, country and land, to teach to appreciate and respect great people;

The students came to the open lesson with very high preparation. 

The evening ended with the students' song "Men kazakpyn".

Organized by: teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Kenishbaeva G. T.

An open lesson in mathematics was held.

06.12.2022 within the framework of the week of the methodological Commission of the socio-economic and natural mathematical cycle, an open lesson in mathematics was held. Responsible: mathematics teacher Ibraeva G. B. with a group of 140 MB.

An open lesson in professional English was held at the college.

On 22.11.2022, an open lesson in professional English was held by the English language teacher D.K.Kozhirbaev. The theme is "The circulation of the blood. Modal verbs." The purpose of the lesson is to understand the blood circulation in the human body and the use of modal verbs in a sentence. Various forms of teaching were used in the lesson.

An open lesson in professional English on the topic: "Work of the Human Heart. Verbs".

On 11/24/2022, an open lesson in professional English was held by the English language teacher A.R. Mukanova. Subject: "Work of the Human Heart. Verbs». The purpose of the lesson: to give the concept of the heart cycle, the development of the ability to logical presentation, the development of communication skills; vocabulary enrichment and speech development.

Various teaching methods were used in the lesson, situational tasks were solved.

Opening of the CMC week of socio - economic and natural - mathematical disciplines.

05.12.2022-09.12.2022 the CMC week of socio-economic and natural-mathematical disciplines "Жаңа Қазақстанның жарқын бейнесі" began. The opening ceremony was held by the chairman of the CMC: MEDEUBAYEVA AINUR KULTASOVNA.

An open lesson on the topic "Значение и смыл первой медицинской помощи. Стили речи".

Russian Russian language and literature teacher Almenova A.Zh . held an open lesson on professional Russian language on 25.11.2022. Theme: “Значение и смыл первой медицинской помощи. Стили речи”. The purpose of the lesson: To form theoretical knowledge about the meaning and meaning of PHC, to systematize knowledge about speech styles, the development of logical thinking, vocabulary enrichment and speech developmentpdiv>

Various teaching methods were used in the lesson, situational tasks were solved.

Week of general humanitarian disciplines: "Мы - знатоки русского языка".

Russian Russian language event "Мы - знатоки русского языка" was prepared and held at the Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan within the framework of events dedicated to the Week of General Humanitarian Disciplines by students of the 139 ld. group: "Мы - знатоки русского языка", which was very interesting, informative, fascinating. The audience warmly welcomed the wonderful concert program prepared by students of 139 ld and 21 stom.

Responsible: Tsai Larisa Timofeevna.


20/01/2022 She was awarded a Letter of Appreciation for the preparation of winners and prize-winners in the Republican Olympiad "Hippocrates".


Motorykina O.V. has been working at the Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan since 2014. In the 2021 academic year, she passed the qualifying exam and received the qualification "teacher - researcher". The teacher's students won prizes at many international and national olympiads, competitions and scientific conferences on the subject of "Nursing". The work of Olga Vladimirovna as a teacher was nominated for the Republican contest " Жыл үздіктері-2021" and was awarded a Diploma.


On January 20, 2022, an event was held at the college in order to disseminate the best practices of innovative teachers and introduce them into the educational process. Teacher of nursing Motorykina O.V. shared her experience with the team.


18.11.2019 g по 22.11.2019g. CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

From 18.11.2019 to 22.11.2019 in the higher medical College of Zhezkazgan passed the week of CMC of General humanitarian disciplines.

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

On the second day of the week, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature by B. K. Tastanbekova a competition was held "Phonetic drops". Students were divided into two groups: "Consonant sounds", "Vowel sounds". The end of the contest ended with the victory of the group "Consonant sounds".





On the third day of the week, a literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Abay Kunanbayev, organized by G. T. Kenishbaeva, took place. At the event, Abay's songs were performed, poems created by young poets of the College were read

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Literary and musical event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev

Russian Russian week continued with the contest "this entertaining Russian language", prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature L. T. Tsai. At the competition, students were able to demonstrate their knowledge of Russian grammar. The present teachers and students thanked Larisa Timofeevna for the interesting and rich program.

 “This entertaining Russian language”

“This entertaining Russian language”

 “This entertaining Russian language”

“This entertaining Russian language”

On November 25, all students who actively participated in the week of CMC ogd were awarded diplomas.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the events for the will to win, serious preparation and positive communication!

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

CMC week of General humanitarian disciplines.

11.11.19 ж. Lesson on the topic "pathology of pregnancy, hypertension

On November 11, 2019 the teacher of obstetrics and gynecology T. N. Kim held an open lesson on the topic "pathology of pregnancy, hypertension" in the group 245 SD.

The purpose of the lesson – to teach students, to give them the knowledge, ability and skills to competently perform all the necessary manipulations. After all, the life and health of the mother and child completely depend on how future medical professionals will be able to apply the knowledge in practice.

Lesson on the topic

Lesson on the topic


30.09.19 г  "Clinic and treatment of caries depending on the degree of tooth damage ( in the stage of spots, superficial and medium caries).

30.09.19 in Zhezkazgan higher medical College in group 11 Dentistry was an open lesson on the topic: "Clinic and treatment of caries depending on the degree of tooth damage ( in the stage of spots, superficial and medium caries)." The lesson was conducted by the teacher of dentistry Alimbetova Zauresh Alenovna. The teacher was able to give students a General idea and ensure interest in the topic. The practical part of the lesson helped students to acquire communicative skills of communication with the patient on the basis of ethical and deontological principles


28.01.2019                                                             Were teaching reading.

In order to improve the qualification, combination of functional literacy with professional skills of teachers, pedagogical readings are held in the College every year. In the 2018-19 academic year, 4 reports were heard.

1. "Organization of practical lesson" Zhumabaeva Z. G. Almaty

Organization of a practical lesson

2.."Teaching the importance of knowledge in General professional disciplines for the personality of the future med.employee's" L. A. Alimbetova


3. "The use of problem-based learning technology in history lessons" Akhmetzhanov D. A.

4."Effective methods of teaching and evaluation" Akhmetovа S. S.

Teaching reading.


21.01.2019                                                              The pedagogical dialogue.

In his recent address, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed the government to prepare a law on the status of a teacher. Teachers honey.the College took an active part in the discussion of a very important bill, which is associated with increasing the prestige of the teacher in society.

pedagogical dialogue


The college is constantly running novice teacher (SNP). The goal of the school is methodological, advisory, psychological assistance to young teachers for the development of methodological skills, meeting the needs for continuous self-development and self-improvement.

College psychologist D.Sh.Ospanova conducted a conversation with young teachers on the topic: "The role of the teacher in the learning process." The main professional duty of a teacher is to be competent, creative and creatively minded. All these qualities affect the effectiveness of the educational process.

Школа начинающего преподавателя (ШНП).

Школа начинающего преподавателя (ШНП).

Школа начинающего преподавателя (ШНП).

Школа начинающего преподавателя (ШНП).


An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

11/06/2018 in the 118 LD group by a teacher of fundamentals of pharmacology and Latin of the highest category L.А. Alimbetova, in preparation for the confirmation of the highest category, an open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

Clinical term elements ”on the methodical topic“ Integrating the subjects of the general professional cycle ”. Interdisciplinary connections with the following subjects were carried out: professional Russian, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, valeology, pharmacology, propedeutics of internal diseases.

Problem problems were solved, didactic materials, IT resources were applied. Reflected extracurricular independent, search and research tasks of students.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.

An open lesson was held on the topic “Morphology.


11.11.2018 year nursing teacher Z.K. Zhumabayeva, who passed an advanced course of study at KSMU on the topic: "Organization of education for conducting training with the use of standardized patients" made a report at the meetings of the MTS (school of pedagogical skills).

JV (standardized patient) is a specially prepared person who participates in the training and assessment of the student’s competencies. This technique of the joint venture allows not only to inform the student about the presence of certain symptoms, but also to reproduce the history of the disease, body reactions, as well as the emotional characteristics and personality characteristics of the real patient.

Заседание школы педагогического мастерства

Заседание школы педагогического мастерства


1/14/18, the teacher of the highest categories L.T.Tsai in the group 121 LD passed the lesson of the Russian language on the topic: “Adjective. Degrees of comparison, ranks of adjectives».

Урок русского языка по теме: «Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения, разряды имен  прилагательных».

"The lesson was aimed at the implementation of a differentiated approach in the process of students performing tasks, on creative attitude to work, on developing critical thinking. Various techniques and methods were used: clustering, various tasks on updating basic knowledge, poetic comic examples on grammar, working with colorful images, drawing up dialogues, performances. A very lively marathon was held. Work with texts was aimed at nurturing those qualities that are necessary for future medical workers, so that students understand the significance of their chosen profession. The identification of students' creative abilities, the development of comparative analysis skills are particularly pronounced in teamwork.

Урок русского языка по теме: «Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения, разряды имен  прилагательных».

Three teams worked at the lesson: “Brave”, “Fast”, “Smart”. Here were their leaders, a strict observer. The winning team received the title of "Most", which corresponded to the theme of the lesson. The “Brave” team won, becoming the “Bravest”.

Урок русского языка по теме: «Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения, разряды имен  прилагательных».

Урок русского языка по теме: «Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения, разряды имен  прилагательных».

Урок русского языка по теме: «Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения, разряды имен  прилагательных».




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