
Specialty 09130100 "Nursing"

Qualification: 5AB09130101 "Applied Bachelor of Nursing" - accelerated learning path (with elements of distance learning)

Terms of training: 1g . 6m .

Head of the department

Usmanova Ainur Sergeevna

Work experience of more than 20 years

Specialist with the qualification of "Applied Bachelor"

  • provides safe patient-centered nursing care, takes responsibility for independent decisions, actions and personnel management;
  • * solves practical tasks in nursing and medical activities, applying a creative approach, independently develop solutions to problems in nursing with the use of theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • participates in the development of management decisions to improve the efficiency of the medical organization;

"Applied Bachelor" is a qualification that is assigned to a graduate who has mastered the basic educational program at the "bachelor's degree" level, who has the competence to solve technological problems in various fields of socio-economic activity, ready to start working immediately after graduation. The essence of the applied bachelor's degree is to increase the status of vocational education, equating some specialties with higher education corresponding to innovative requirements.

Within the framework of the State Program of Healthcare Development for 2016-2019 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialists of the Ministry of Health, together with colleagues of the JAMK and LAHTI University of Applied Sciences, have developed a roadmap for improving nursing education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Applied Bachelor's Degree program examines the principles of competence-based education in accordance with European directives. Continuous improvement of nursing practice and improvement of the quality of medical care require a corresponding improvement in the quality and adequacy of training for those who want to acquire the profession of a nurse, as well as continuous professional development of already working nurses.

In accordance with the order of the Vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 23, 2014 No. 417 "On the introduction of the educational program of applied bachelor's degree in the specialty "Nursing" from September 1, 2019, on the basis of the KGP at the Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan, the implementation of this program began.

In August 2019, the selection and admission of applicants for training in the accelerated educational program of the applied bachelor's degree in the specialty "Nursing" for practicing nurses was carried out. Among the students are head nurses, senior nurses, sentries, nurses of treatment rooms, etc. This program is developed in accordance with European directives and about 50% of the time students spend in clinical settings.

The duration of training with an accelerated trajectory is 1 year 6 months, with a total of 2,304 hours (96 kz credits) of which the number of hours of clinical practice is 1008 hours (42 kz credits). After completion, the qualification is awarded — "Applied Bachelor" in the specialty "Nursing".

The structure of the educational program is modular. In each module, the number of hours of classroom classes, simulation classes, and practical classes in the clinic are determined.

The main purpose of this training is to train practice—oriented nursing specialists of a new formation who are able to actively and effectively use the knowledge gained during training and in practice, who are able to think critically and analytically, effectively manage resources and work in accordance with the principles of patient safety.

According to the Provisions of the educational program of the applied bachelor's degree in the specialty "Nursing", tutors from among experienced teachers have been trained for each module of the educational program. A working group on the implementation of the educational program has been created.

Mentoring (mentoring) is a new and important direction in the implementation of clinical practice of students.

From medical organizations, mentors from among nurses with extensive practical experience have been appointed to implement the educational program.

During their studies, students will undergo practical training at clinical bases under the guidance of qualified doctors and average medical workers in the amount of at least 60-70% of the total number of training hours. Clinical practice is a stage of training at which a student, as part of a team, and with direct access to a healthy or sick individual and/or community, learns to organize, perform and evaluate the necessary nursing care, based on the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during training. In clinical practice, the student will learn not only how to work in a team, but also how to lead a team and organize nursing care, including sanitary and educational work for individuals and small groups, on the scale of a single medical institution or in a community. The current trend in the development of nursing reflects the significant role of the nurse in the modern healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The variety of functions performed by nursing staff requires an understanding of the factors affecting health, the causes of diseases, methods of their treatment and rehabilitation, as well as environmental, social and other conditions in which medical care is provided and the health system functions. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers nursing staff as a real potential to meet the growing needs of the population for affordable medical care.

In February 2021, the college graduated 40 students, in 2022 the college graduated 24 of them, 1 student received a diploma with honors, in 2023 the college graduated 27 students, of which 6 students received a diploma with honors. At the moment, 74 students are studying at the college.

College graduates acquire such professional skills as pre-medical examination, pre-medical (nursing) diagnosis, advisory referral by narrow specialists, patronage of children and adults, prescriptions under the supervision of a doctor.

Information for the descendants of Aesculapius

The Medical school of Zhezkazgan was organized on May 20, 1961 with the support of the famous geologist, the first president of the Academy of Sciences K.I.Satbayev. In September, 1966, the recruitment of the first group of nurses and two groups of paramedics was carried out. In June 1963, the first graduation of general nurses took place, and a year later, in 1964, the first graduation of two paramedic groups took place. From 1971-1981, the school trained in 4 types of specialties; feldsher, midwifery, general nurse, children's nurse. Since 1990, groups studying in the state language have been admitted to the school. In 1995, a department of advanced training for secondary medical workers was opened on the basis of the school, which is still actively working today. In 1996, by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 282 dated June 14, the medical school was transformed into a medical college. Currently, the college trains middle-level specialists in the following specialties: "Medical business", "Nursing", "Dentistry", "Laboratory diagnostics", "Applied Bachelor of Nursing". The college has cycles of special disciplines, general professional disciplines, general humanitarian disciplines, socio-economic disciplines. The classrooms of information technology, English, and the library are equipped with modern technical equipment. To practice the practical skills of future specialists and to master the subtleties of medicine, the college has two simulation centers equipped with special dummies, simulators, electronic dolls, electronic mannequins that work according to a specially set program to determine the symptoms of diseases and a dental center. For professional lessons, there is a surgical unit, a nursing unit, offices of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, therapy, anatomy and physiology, pathology, pharmacology, hygiene, infectious diseases, microbiology, denture manufacturing techniques, chemistry, laboratory diagnostics. College students are engaged in research work in circles on therapy, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, nursing, pharmacology, anatomy, biophysics, microbiology, participating in international, republican, regional, city scientific and practical conferences take prizes. The college has all the conditions for professional training and preparation of a comprehensively developed competent medical specialist.

The mission of the college is to train professionally competent, patient–oriented specialists of the middle and post-secondary level.

Hits: 3747
