
In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks

In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"


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 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

 In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan there have taken place the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Republican stocks "Youth for Traditional Values" and "25 noble causes"

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