
Day of symbolics of RK.

Day of symbolics of RK.

In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" by Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan there have taken place the following events:

On June 3 - among students of college there has taken place the open action in the form of a competition - exhibitions, made with own hands. A competition subject - the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students of college have shown imagination and have embodied the ideas through the works, having made symbols of RK and historical monuments, monuments. On the end of an action for the best works students have been awarded with diplomas. Exhibits have been placed in the museum of college.

On June 4 – at 12:00 in all educational cases the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was executed and curator hours on Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan were spent. In the same day students of college together with teachers have attended the gala concert devoted to Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RKDay of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK 

Day of symbolics of RK

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