
Meeting with a theologian - religious scholar.

November 7, 2018 A meeting with the theologian of religious studies of the State Department of the Internal Politica of the City of Zhezkazgan, Sarsen AdiletKenzhebekuly, was held with students of the medical college.

The purpose of the event: the prevention of religious extremism, the cultivation of tolerance among young people, the formation of religious anti-radical immunity, the self-improvement of spiritual education, the increase of religious literacy.

The meeting was held in the form of a dialogue with students. The attention of a theologian and religious scholar was focused on the consideration of the issues of strengthening internal stability and traditional spiritual values ​​in the modern religious situation.   AdiletKenzhebekuly spoke about state-confessional relations in modern Kazakhstan. AdiletKenzhebekuly paid special attention to the functioning of sites with destructive currents, encouraging young people to use any official information, to use only official websites.
At the end of the event, students asked questions on the topic under consideration, to which they received exhaustive answers from a specialist in religious affairs. Thismeetinghadanimportanteducationalvalue.

Meeting with a theologian - religious scholar.

Meeting with a theologian - religious scholar.

Meeting with a theologian - religious scholar.

Meeting with a theologian - religious scholar.

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