
Online conference
Students of the 133rd group of the Zhezkazgan Higher Medical College and the head of the group Mukanova Aigerim Rakhimovna took part in an online conference, planned by «Здоровое общество-2050» JSC and the State Institution "Department of Internal Policy of Zhezkazgan".
Theme: «Қазақстанда сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы мәдениетті қалыптастырудағы және сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимылдағы қазақ халқының құқықтық құндылықтарының рөлі».
Lecturer: Beiseev Aydar Amangeldievich, Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenova, candidate of philological sciences, master of law, police colonel.
The conference was attended by 20 students.

Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050" Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050"

Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050"

Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050"

Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050"

Online conference "Здоровое общество-2050"

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