
Home visits of city retirees!

Home visits of city retirees!
Today, the students of the Higher Medical College, on the day of the elderly, took the initiative and carried out a kind action, visiting the city's pensioners at home!  


Older person's day!

Older person's day!
Dear pensioners, war and labor veterans! The staff of the college wholeheartedly congratulates you on a warm and heartfelt holiday - the Day of the Elderly! This date is not a reminder to older people of their age, but a great opportunity to say warm words of gratitude to you - our fathers and mothers, war veterans…



September 28, 2020 with the organization of the veterans' section in the museum of the city of Zhezkazgan, the gathering of activists and organizations of the elderly. Zhezkazkan Higher Medical Schools of Otrasta "Zhiger", "Altyn Zhurek" 248 Nurse student, Volunteer Abenova Moldirge gul shogymen Qatar flash drive.


Teacher's Day!

Teacher's Day!
Dear teachers!“ From tireless learning to a child,” said the great ancestor Abai. The education you are trying to instill in the minds of the younger generation is immeasurable. You determine the future of youth, the seeds that you sow today are the key to tomorrow's victory - a fruitful day. The teacher…


Labor Day

Labor Day
On the eve of the labor day celebration in Kazakhstan, College volunteers together with nurse Idrisova O. A. and social Worker of the NEA "Zhurek" Isabayeva B. S. visited a veteran of the second world war, a veteran of labor Gusak Alexander Timofeevich, who turned 98 years old! Low bow to veterans!


World Day of Cleanliness

World Day of Cleanliness
September 19 - World Day of Cleanliness. Our college took an active part in the cleanup. We are for a clean city!    

