
Parents ' meeting

Parents ' meeting
22.09.23 of the year. Parent meeting of the 261MI group


Address of the president

Address of the president
On 22.09.2023, students of the Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan held a meeting with the deputy of the Ulytau regional maslikhat, chairman of the NGO"Union of fathers" Bodykov Yerkebulan Zhalgauovich and Tusupov Iztoleu Bekenovich, a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a…


Address of the head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan

Address of the head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan
Today, the Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan hosted a meeting with the deputy of the regional maslikhat Zina Zhumanazarovna. The meeting was attended by employees of the city Polyclinic and teachers of the Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan. During the meeting, the teacher of our college oraz…


A college striving for knowledge

A college striving for knowledge
In accordance with the event planned within the framework of the republican action “Okuga Kushtar College", a meeting of the young poet Mukagali Seitkazy with the youth took place in the Zhezkazgan centralized library system. Purpose: to attract college readers to the library, increase reader activity, create…


City clean-up day

In the regional higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan, city subbotniks were held around the main building and building No. 3.


My success is my result

My success is my result
On 13.09.2023, a discussion was held in Group 143 on the topic" my success is my result". Purpose: to strengthen students ' self - confidence, increase optimism, relieve emotional stress, motivate them to achieve goals, and focus on success. Conducted by: group leader Balabaeva A. I


My success is my result

My success is my result
On 13.09.2023, an educational hour was held with students of Group 262 MI on the topic: "my success is my result".  The purpose of the event: to glorify and set an example for future young specialists the hard work of Nurse Florence Nightingale, doctor of medical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan…


Туған тілім - бабам тілі - өз тілім

Туған тілім - бабам тілі - өз тілім
Students of the highest Regional Medical College of Zhezkazgan City take an active part in the Republican challenge ”Туған тілім - бабам тілі - өз тілім“, dedicated to the day of the people of Kazakhstan.


My results are my achievements.

My results are my achievements.
On 11.09.2023, a lecture was held in 21 dentistry, on the topic: My results are my achievements. Goal: • Achieving intra-group cohesion, understanding your personal "I" as part of a common "we" • promote awareness of the uniqueness of each person and his rights to manifest his individuality &bull…


My results are my goals

My results are my goals
11.09.2023 A lecture on the topic "My results are my goals" was held in 263 groups. Goal: Formation of skills and achievement of goals. Tasks: to provide each student with feedback, to develop the ability to provide and accept the support of others. Curator: Mambetova Zh.Sh.

